TQ Magazine
In our TQ magazine you can find interesting topics about TEMA-Q, Customer Experience Management and other market research subjects.
The future of electromobility: Trends and developments
At the end of our series of posts "Under power: A journey into the world of e-car drivers", today we are looking at current trends and developments in the field of electromobility. Will we all soon be getting from A to B in autonomous vehicles?
The fascination of electromobility: Satisfaction in the fast lane
In our series "Under power: A journey into the world of e-car drivers", today we are looking at the topic of satisfaction. How do drivers rate their electrically powered vehicles? Are they satisfied, or is there a lot of criticism?
What lasts a long time: Delivery times for e-cars
In our current series on electromobility, we are focussing today on the topic of delivery times for electric cars. Where are the differences between the various car manufacturers and how do they affect satisfaction?
Electricity on the move: Charging behaviour and infrastructure
In our ongoing series on electromobility, today we are taking a deeper dive into the topic of charging behaviour and infrastructure and looking at how people charge their electric vehicles and what obstacles and problems they experience.
Everyday life with the electric car: Between reality and expectation
In our latest series on electromobility, we take a look at the everyday lives of electric vehicle owners. What changes has owning an electric car brought about and to what extent does actual everyday life match drivers' expectations?
Reasons for buying electric cars: What drives people to switch?
In our ongoing series "Under power: A journey into the world of e-car drivers", today we are diving deeper into the topic of buying reasons and taking a closer look at the decisive factors that motivate people to opt for an electric car.