The in-depth Customer Experience Solution for customer-focused products and service processes

What is Deep Dive CX?

Deep Dive CX uses detailed surveys to determine your customers’ experiences of all relevant processes of your services and the advantages and disadvantages of your products with regard to all relevant features such as design, quality, usability, etc.

Deep Dive CX offers customer feedback both in aggregated form for strategic questions and 1:1 feedback for individual operational measures.

The ‘Voice of Customer‘ is digitally recorded, transcribed and indexed so that no important details are lost, and all analyses and key figures are completely transparent.

By classifying the ‘Voice of Customer’, the content of the customer feedback is quantified in detail. An overall picture is obtained via aggregated KPIs, which can be broken down into their components. These in turn provide a detailed profile of strengths and weaknesses that is directly linked to the original customer statements.

The ClaralytiX web tool makes the ‘Voice of Customer’ and meaningful CX key figures and evaluations conveniently available. Your employees receive targeted access to the customer feedback that is relevant to them.

Deep Dive CX is the solution for optimizing products and service processes and increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Who is Deep Dive CX for?

For companies that

  • offer rather complex products or services

  • want to further develop and optimize existing products or services

  • are active in the B2B or B2C sector

  • operate regionally, nationally or globally

  • are somewhat larger, so that not all customer requests, problems and suggestions get through to the staff

What is the added value from Deep Dive CX?

  • Customers:
    Optimise your service processes with Deep Dive CX and make your customers not only satisfied, but ambassadors of your brand.

  • Employees:
    Deep Dive CX brings your customers’ experiences to your employees in a targeted way and makes CX management a company-wide task.

  • Technology:
    Our web app ClaralytiX, developed specifically for CX projects, is included in Deep Dive CX and makes management, analysis and evaluation of CX projects simple and efficient.

  • Experience:
    More than 30 years in the field of customer feedback have gone into Deep Dive CX. Don’t take any risks and trust our experience, just like numerous DAX companies.

Let’s make an appointment!

Our customers book our CX solutions year after year. They love the associated ClaralytiX and use it every day. Find out how you can benefit from our services in your specific case.

We would be happy to present to you the features of our brilliant CX web app in a commitment-free live appointment via video conference.

Make an appointment right here !