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TQ Magazine

In our TQ magazine you can find interesting topics about TEMA-Q, Customer Experience Management and other market research subjects.

14.September 2021

Successful New Product Development – Realization Based on the Customer Experience

14. September 2021|Benefits/Areas of application|

Development work is cost-intensive. How do you get well-founded input for successful new product development? How do you determine the actual strengths and weaknesses of existing products? Where are the potentials for improvement that are truly important to customers and lead to purchasing of the new products?

9.August 2021

The Riddle’s Solution – Decline in Sales Detected with the Help of a Customer Feedback Study – Part II

9. August 2021|Benefits/Areas of application|

Chapter I discussed the problem: Mr. Wolters, who was responsible for sales of industrial heating equipment, had declining sales in one area that could not be explained, despite analyzing all the data available to the company. Chapter 2, outlined the systematic approach TEMA-Q took to solving the problem. Mr. Wolters invited his management and asked the experts from TEMA-Q to present the results they had worked out. The result amazed everyone present.

2.August 2021

The Riddle’s Solution – Decline in Sales Detected with the Help of a Customer Feedback Study – Part I

2. August 2021|Benefits/Areas of application|

My friend Heiner Wolters recently told me an incredible story from his field. He had been working for a world market leader for many years at that time and told me about a sales situation in the Portugal market, for which he was then responsible. Service was becoming more and more important, because the harsh competitive pressure meant that more profits were now generated from service revenues than from sales.

26.July 2021

Market Research in Crisis

26. July 2021|Methods|

Traditional market research is coming under pressure from two sides. Big Data companies such as Google are collecting huge amounts of data at low cost and generating algorithms to predict general and individual customer behavior. They are increasingly replacing classic mass surveys. The major market research companies are trying in vain to counter this trend by cutting costs by relocating to low-wage countries.

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