With the end of the year in sight, we would like to reflect with you on the key topics and focal points of this year at TEMA-Q and the insights we have gained from them. At the same time, we are looking forward to promising topics that await us in the coming year 2024.

ISO certification

In April, we received our ISO certification in accordance with “DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001” after a one-year certification process. This award goes beyond mere fulfilment of international standards; it testifies to our ongoing commitment to information security and the trust of our customers. The challenges we faced during the certification process taught us to react flexibly to new requirements and develop innovative solutions.

Mobility Monday: the future of mobility

The “Mobility Mondays” from April to May focussed on electromobility. Our CATI survey with 170 participants produced encouraging results: almost half of those surveyed consider electric cars to be a realistic option. This response signals a growing interest and emphasises the need to clearly communicate the environmental friendliness and benefits in order to address potential concerns.

CX Weeks: Customer experience topics

The “CX Weeks” from June to August focussed on the crucial role of customer experience (CX) in the corporate context. Our contributions shed light on how CX significantly influences customer loyalty, competitive differentiation and sales. We also presented and discussed various methods for measuring CX, including surveys, social media analyses and technologies.

Under power: A journey into the world of e-car drivers

This was followed in autumn by “Under Power: A Journey into the World of Electric Car Drivers”. A comprehensive survey of over 200 electric car owners provided in-depth insights into this exciting topic by shedding light on reasons for buying, everyday experiences, charging infrastructure, delivery times and satisfaction. The series ended with an outlook on the future of electromobility, including trends such as autonomous driving and advances in battery technology.

Outlook 2024: EX Weeks

Next year’s “EX Weeks” will shed light on various aspects of the employee experience and provide an insight into this multifaceted topic.

A year full of fascinating topics and insights lies behind us at TEMA-Q. We thank you for your interest and invite you to look forward to the new developments at TEMA-Q in the coming year. Here’s to an exciting 2024!

Take a look at our LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/company/tema-q/ to gain exciting insights into the world of customer and employee experience in the future.

If you have any questions about these or other topics, or would like a live demo version of ClaralytiX via video conference, click here to make an appointment or contact us.

Take a look at our LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/company/tema-q/ to gain exciting insights into the world of customer and employee experience in the future.

If you have any questions about these or other topics, or would like a live demo version of ClaralytiX via video conference, click hereto make an appointment or contactus.