TQ Magazine
In our TQ magazine you can find interesting topics about TEMA-Q, Customer Experience Management and other market research subjects.
Product-Market Fit
Product-Market Fit is the most important milestone in the development of a new product or service. It marks the transition from a product idea to product development to a product offering with good growth prospects.
Operationalization in market research: From concept to measurable reality
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
“How likely are you to recommend us?” The Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a powerful tool in CX management.
Mixed Methods
Mixed Methods in Market Research: The perfect balance of numbers and emotions by combining qualitative and quantitative survey methods.
Guided Interview
Guided interviews are a structured open survey method used in qualitative research. These interviews often serve as preparation for a subsequent quantitative survey.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems or machines that mimic human intelligence when performing certain tasks. Which areas of application are particularly interesting for market research?