The customer experience (CX) encompasses the entire interaction of a customer with a company, from the first contact to long-term customer loyalty (Bruhn & Hadwich, 2012). It is not just about the product or service itself, but above all about the feeling that the customer has during the entire process.

A positive customer experience has far-reaching effects and can significantly influence the success of a company. It plays a crucial role in customer loyalty, as it increases the likelihood that customers will remain loyal to a company and recommend it to others.

In addition, customer experience also serves as a differentiating factor compared to competitors. In a market where products and services are often similar, an exceptional customer experience can help a company stand out from the competition (Holland & Ramanathan, 2018).

Customer experience also influences a company’s image and reputation. Positive customer experiences contribute to a good reputation and a strong corporate image, which in turn strengthens customer trust. A positive image attracts potential customers and supports the growth of a company.

Last but not least, the customer experience has a direct impact on sales. Loyalty and customer satisfaction lead to recurring business, higher sales per customer and an increased willingness to pay for high-quality products or services.

At TEMA-Q, we specialized in the field of customer experience studies early on. From small customer surveys to continuous tracking of the customer experience based on project-related surveys of those responsible, we offer the right model depending on the application. Our specialty lies in the integration of complex CX studies into our customers’ existing CRM systems. We therefore offer another piece of the puzzle that fits perfectly into existing structures and delivers high added value in the form of data and insights.

Take a look at our LinkedIn profile at to gain exciting insights into the world of customer and employee experience in the future.

If you have any questions about these or other topics, or would like a live demo version of ClaralytiX via video conference, click here to make an appointment or contact us.

Holland & Ramanathan, Disruption und Transformation Management, 2018, S. 343ff.
Bruhn & Hadwich, Customer Experience, 2012, S. 3ff.