The automation of processes and work steps now plays an important role in many areas. It has also become indispensable in many areas of market research and makes our lives much easier.

The term “automation” has its roots in ancient Greek and means “self-moving” (Hermann, 1983). When processes are automated, they run without active human intervention (Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.) and thus ensure that the available capacities can be used more optimally.

Traditionally, market research was a much more time-consuming and labor-intensive process than it is today. Data had to be collected and analyzed manually, which fortunately could be optimized through automation. Be it the switch to computer-aided data collection methods, where the data is automatically recorded in such a way that it can then be further processed and evaluated, or the use of complex programs that make data analysis much easier.

By using artificial intelligence, it is even possible to automatically recognize correlations in extensive data and present them in a meaningful way. The use of AI also makes it easier to monitor general market activity and forecast future developments. (Wagener, 2023)

In addition to the examples just mentioned, TEMA-Q also uses automation in the areas of transcription and translation. Even if there is still a human check for final quality assurance, we still record enormous time savings. Recordings of interviews are automatically transcribed by programs and also translated if necessary. Since numerous interviews are conducted with customers every day and they record all open questions (with their consent), there are also numerous answers to be transcribed every day.

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If you have any questions about these or other topics, or would like a live demo version of ClaralytiX via video conference, click here to make an appointment or contact us.

Ursula Hermann, Knaurs etymologisches Lexikon, 1983, S. 61
DIN V 19233: Leittechnik – Prozessautomatisierung – Automatisierung mit Prozessrechensystemen, Begriffe. Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.
Andreas Wagener, Künstliche Intelligenz im Marketing, 2023, S. 77