In a world where data is becoming the most valuable commodity, data protection plays a crucial role.

Without analyzing data, a company cannot gain a sound insight into the experiences and needs of its customers. However, protecting the rights and privacy of customers must always come first. The processing of personal data is regulated by law in the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO, 2016).

If a company handles its customers’ data carelessly, this can quickly lead to a deterioration in its reputation. A company also loses the trust of consumers. Only when people feel that their data is really secure are they willing to disclose further data in surveys.

Market research is interested in obtaining opinions and evaluations, but it should not be possible to attribute these to individuals. Maintaining the anonymity of respondents and clients is of the utmost importance. Data is only ever evaluated anonymously so that it is no longer possible to draw conclusions about individual persons. (ADM, 2024)

If this is guaranteed, a market research company is both legally on the safe side but also guarantees better results, as people are willing to give honest answers if they know that they will be treated confidentially.

It is mandatory for market research companies to appoint a data protection officer in their company. This officer ensures that all data protection regulations are adhered to and, should a breach of these guidelines nevertheless occur, is the point of contact for those affected.

TEMA-Q attaches great importance to data protection. As soon as the processing of personal data is necessary for the use of our services, we obtain the consent of the data subject in advance. In doing so, we always ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and all other country-specific data protection regulations.

TEMA-Q has also been certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001 since 2023. We consider information security to be an essential prerequisite for the quality of our solutions. For this reason, we have committed ourselves to making information security one of our top priorities.

Take a look at our LinkedIn profile at to gain exciting insights into the world of customer and employee experience in the future.

If you have any questions about these or other topics, or would like a live demo version of ClaralytiX via video conference, click here to make an appointment or contact us.

ADM,, 2024
DSGVO,, 2016